"The Jazz Lady” is a swinging compilation of standards and one original (Sam-antics) with some of my favorite world class musicians.  I enjoy writing whimsical arrangements with a touch of classical fugues, jazz waltzes, straight swing, latin rhythms, and ballads. All the musicians have a chance to shine and share their talents! That is what music is all about!

A musician friend told me of an experience he had on a recent job, when another musician “sat-in” during his performance. “The whole place seemed to light up” he said,”it was electric!” I knew who he was talking about. It was a “Carol Stein” moment, and I’d seen it happen. Carol sings, plays piano and synthesizer, composes and arranges, and has an excellent academic background. She has traveled, as a pianist to major music centers all over the world. Impressive, right? Right, but that’s not all. “I live life, and play with a passion” she says. You can see and hear it at every performance. How do you measure passion? Listen to this CD. It’s a good way to start.

Carol as a solo act  can produce some wonderful musical moments, but when accompanied in a sextet or septet situation, it becomes a jazz experience. Listen to her sing Billie Holiday’s “Don’t Explain” with Charlie Bertini’s backing trumpet. That’s passion! The soloists working with Carol don’t just get an eight bar fill either. Hey, she’s the “Jazz Lady”. How about Eddie Marshall’s clarinet on “I’m Old Fashioned” with Greg Little’s trumpet? Carol sounds playful on this one, as she does on “Nevertheless”. The rhythm section guys in two groups, are notable. Chuck Archard, bass and Barry Smith, drums. The other has Charlie Silva, bass, and Ed Metz, Jr. drums. There are 11 standard tunes with two Carol originals.

Carol’s keyboard work is not just enjoyable, it’s also interesting. Her audiences love the way she injects little bits of classically derived pieces into a familiar tune. An “18th Century Drawing Room” type phrase shows up in “Alice in Wonderland”. When she sings, does she really mean it? Listen to “But Beautiful”, and get a very positive answer.

It’s wonderfully entertaining music!

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The Jazz Lady

Buy 2-CD Combo Pack: The Piano Lady & The Jazz Lady